Madxafka Saryar Ee Xarunta Hidaha Iyo Dhaqanka Somaliland
by Hiba Adam
Images found in the Saryan Museum, Hargeisa- Somaliland
Madxafka Saryar Ee Xarunta Hidaha Iyo Dhaqanka Somaliland waa goob ay ku kulmaan dad badan oo kala duwan; waana goob hoy u ah dhaqanka iyo hidaha Somaliland. Madxafka Saryar waxay ay ku taalaa Hargeisa, waxaa la aasaasay 2017 oo waxaana gudoomiye ka ah madxafka Saryar aqoon yahan/mujaahid Siciid Shugri Xusee. Xarunta hidaha iyo dhaqanka Somaliland waxaa loogu talo galay in lagu ilaaliyo oo lagu xifdiyo taariikhda iyo dhaqanka wadanka Somaliland oo in lagu dhiiri galiyo dhalinyarta inay wax ka bartaan dhaqankoodii hore oo ay helaan meelo ay ka tix raacaan. Xarunta waxa ay shaqaysaa oo ay furantahay wiigii lix cisho 7 subaxnimo ilaa 5 galabnimo, waxaana maalinwalba soo booqda oo u dalxiis yimaada dad aad utiro badan oo iskugu jira ajaanib iyo wadanitiinba si ay u daawadaan xasuusihii hore ee qadiimiga ah. Waxaad daawokarta alaabaha kala duwan ee yaala xarunta Madxafka Saryar. Waxay leedahay laba qaybood oo kala ah qayb ay ku duugantahay taariikhdii hore ee hidaha iyo dhaqanka reermiiga iyo qayb ay ku duugantahay taariikh siyaasadeed. Madxafka waxaa ka baxa dhir iyo ubaxyo aad u quruxbadan oo soo jiita indhaha dalxiisayaasha soo booqda xarunta. Waxaa yaala alaabo kala duwan sida: sawir gacmeedyo aad u qurux badan iyo sawiro qadiimi ah, aqal soomaali,fujaamo,dharka hidaha iyo dhaqanka, qalabka beeraha lagu falo, xagaaf, majo,tank,waran,murjin, googoos, iskujoog, maydhax,haa, dhiil , dhari. Iyo alaabo kale oo badan oo aad sawiradooda ku arki doontaan hoos. Waxa ku yaala maktabad laga heli karo buugaag noocwalba leh. Xarunta waxaa lagu galaa lacag dhan $2 oo udhiganta 20,000sl (Somaliland Shilling). Xaruntu waxa ay leedahay cafateria ama macmacaanle ay dadku wax ka cunaan, waxna ka cabaan.Â
Madxafka Saryar hadii aad ubaahato inaad booqato ama aad la xidhiidho maamukka fadlan booqo https://saryanmuseum.comÂ
Ama kalasoo xidhiidh number kan: 0634069584/+252634240500Â

English Version
Saryan Museum is located in Hargeisa Somaliland, and is the main cultural and political hub for collecting the Culture and Heritage of Somaliland. It was established in August 2017 with the primary purpose of safeguarding and preserving the culture and heritage of Somaliland and its people. It carries out research as well as archiving materials and knowledge that aid in the understanding and establishment of historical, cultural and political context of its artifacts and literature within its collection. The Museum is also a space that studies, preserve and exhibits as well as promotes the diverse culture and history of Somaliland. In order to foster a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for Somaliland’s heritage in both local and international spaces. Saryan Musuem has two main buildings, one housing a chronologically placed photo gallery of Somaliland’s historical background, the other a small but rich and diverse collection of cultural artifacts. These are only just beginning to attract the attention they deserve and visitors are shown around by the founder, Mr Saeed Shukri Hussein.The museum is still in its early stages, and has not yet become a place inviting a visit in the minds of many. And the scale of the challenge and lack of resources is apparent once you tour the museum; it is fair to say that the cases, mountings and caption material do not yet rival the standard of the British Museum in London. But Saeed’s ambition—to collect, study, preserve and exhibit and promote the diverse culture and history of Somaliland, in order to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for Somaliland’s heritage in both local and international audiences—is infectious. Saryan Museum’s future goals involve becoming a nationally and globally-recognised museum with an outstanding collection and programmes that help in understanding the past, appreciating the present, and embracing the future. The Museum works to strengthen the bonds of the community and in facilitating solutions to common problems. The museum has started to advertise itself as visitors are not used to coming and paying the small entrance fee. Training of staff for the museum and the museum’s library are also ongoing challenges.More can be found out about the Museum (including how to support its work) at https://saryanmuseum.comÂ
Saryan in Somali means ‘the brave, vigilant’.
The museum is ‘wise, independent, lonely, and thrives within a community recovering from conflict’.